Stay in the loop with the OLSH Elmore iPhone and iPad App
To use the app to its full potential, make sure you allow notifications. (You can do this on first install OR you can enable them via your iPhone or iPad Settings -> Notifications -> OLSH Elmore)
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart is a small Catholic primary school in Elmore. We have an enrolment of approximately 40 students who live in Elmore and in the surrounding area. We maintain a strong commitment to our core values, and our school motto of Learning and Living in Faith is embedded in our practices.
In addition to our new technology in the classroom, the OLSH Elmore iPhone and iPad App will extend its reach out to the wider community, to communicate with the family and community members that are involved with our school
- NOTIFICATIONS: Urgent news and reminders sent directly from the principal
- NEWS: All the latest news and the entire years newsletters
- CALENDAR: Important dates and events are updated daily
- CLASS BLOGS: Activities straight from each classroom
- ADMIN: Forms, rules and information you need. Updated regularly
- INFO: Website, map, Phone & E-Mail.
(Please send the school an E-Mail letting them know what you think of the App!)